UW-NPS Research Station announces the 2023 Small Grants RFP.
Please share with those who might be interested.
The Small Grants program is funded by the National Park Service and the UW-NPS Research Station at the University of Wyoming. It is limited to US academic institutions, government, and NGO researchers conducting their studies in the Greater Yellowstone Area. See uwnps.org/grants for more information, a list of past awards, and a link to annual reports of research going back to 1954.
Grants will be evaluated by a panel of park personnel and faculty in diverse fields based on intellectual merit (will the study advance our understanding in some key way), and relevance to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. We welcome proposals that address Grand Teton National Park research priorities and Yellowstone National Park research priorities, but that is not necessarily a requirement for funding.
We encourage grant submissions by and/or for graduate student research support as these small grants can be a vital source of support for students working in the GYE.
For RFP details and to submit a proposal, go to 2023 UW-NPS Small Grants in InfoReady.
Contract Schedule
1/31/23 | Last day proposals are accepted |
5/1/23 | Initiation of contract, start/schedule field work as appropriate |
12/1/23 | Progress report due |
4/30/23 | Award end date |