Special Event! July 20, 2024, WYOBIRD

SATURDAY, July 20, 2024: Special Event with WYOBIRD! Schedule: 8-10am: Birding tours; 10-2pm: Crafts & Activities; 12-2pm: Picnic Lunch; 2-4pm: Research Talks

Special Event! July 20, 2024, WYOBIRD

Next Saturday, July 20th, join Wyoming Bird Initiative for Resilience and Diversity (WYOBIRD) students & faculty at the UW-NPS Research Station in Grand Teton National Park at the AMK Ranch for a day of tours, activities, and talks about birds across the Americas! Come join us for a fun day of learning about birds, research, and more!

More info: https://uwnps.org/event/special-event-wyobird/